The 2020-2021 CARMA Webcast Lecture Series is now available through Individual Live Viewing for faculty and students from CARMA’s Institutional Premium Membership Program! We hold Live Webcast Lectures through Zoom Webinar for an easy, virtual viewing experience. Advanced registration is required to attend. 

CARMA has seen a great turnout for the first four Live Webcast Lectures, with over 100 participants registered for each event! We are excited to continue with this year’s Webcast Lecture Series with the CARMA community.  

 Due to technical difficulties, Dr. Blake McShane’s Live Webcast Lecture was interrupted. We are actively working to reschedule this Live Webcast Lecture and will update you when we decide on a date and time. 

 Past Live Webcast Lectures: 

Null and Equivalence Hypothesis Testing – Dr. Jeff Stanton, Syracuse University 

Monday, October 2nd, 2020



Everyone Talks About the Null, But Almost Nobody Does Anything About It! 

Testing and rejecting the null hypothesis is a routine part of quantitative research, but relatively few organizational researchers prepare for confirming the null or, similarly, testing a hypothesis of equivalence (e.g., that two group means are practically identical). Both theory and practice could benefit from greater attention to this capability. Planning ahead for equivalence testing also provides helpful input on assuring sufficient statistical power in a study. This CARMA webcast provides a brief tutorial on the use of two frequentist and two Bayesian techniques for testing a hypothesis of no non-trivial effect. This webcast is based on a 2020 article in Organizational Research Methods entitled, “Evaluating Equivalence and Confirming the Null in the Organizational Sciences.” 


Reflexivity in Research Methods: Boundary Theory and the Researcher Role Continuum – Dr. Glen Kreiner, University of Utah

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020



Calls have been made for many years that we as scholars be more reflexive in our research methods, namely, that we thoughtfully consider how who we are affects our research. And yet, with some exceptions in the qualitative realm, author reflexivity rarely “shows up” in our published work. So, how can we as scholars know when and how to be reflexive? This talk will focus on an approach to reflexivity that can help us each consider how we ourselves are impacting the research we do and the myriad decisions we make regarding our research design and methods. Specifically, I will draw on boundary theory, which has been used in a wide variety of disciplines (e.g., political science, psychology, sociology, and management) to explain the integration and segmentation between entities. I will discuss how this offers a more sophisticated view of reflexivity and research methods than does traditional “insider-outsider” dichotomies. I will also integrate insights from the identity literature as well as draw upon specific research studies to illustrate these principles. 


Electronic Confederates in Experimental Research – Dr. Keith Leavitt, Oregon State University

Wednesday, November 18th, 2020


Experiments using human confederates to manipulate socially-embedded constructs are commonplace in the organizational and behavioral sciences. Although experiments with confederates allow for realism and rigor, human confederates have several critical limitations. Moreover, the necessary and immediate shift to virtual research environments due to the current global COVID-19 pandemic have recently made traditional in-person confederate studies untenable. In this talk, I will present a novel and efficient alternative: the use of responsive electronic confederates for manipulating constructs in dyadic, group, and team contexts. In this talk, I will discuss (often over-looked) sources of noise variance and other challenges related to traditional confederate studies. Second, I will discuss the tremendous opportunities for using electronic confederates, identifying their optimal qualities and reviewing studies that have effectively used them to date. As part of this discussion, I will provide examples and resources for readily available and easily modifiable tools for developing electronic confederate-based study platforms. I will also identify boundary conditions around using electronic confederates, while identifying the myriad areas of inquiry that might be greatly aided by their use. I will present practical issues of construct validation with electronic confederates, including maximizing their believability. Finally, I will discuss the potential for “next generation” electronic confederate studies, suggesting emerging technologies that will allow for more sophisticated applications.


Upcoming Live Webcast Lectures:

  • January 22nd, 2021 – Dr. Rhonda Reger (University of North Texas) “Qualitative Methods of Macro Research”
  • February 5th, 2021 – Dr. Gilad Chen (University of Maryland) “Multilevel Analysis”
  • February 19th, 2021 – Dr. David Mackinnon (Arizona State University) “Mediation Analysis”
  • March 3rd, 2021 – Dr. Michael Howard (Texas A&M University) “Network Analysis”
  • March 31st, 2021 – Dr. Lisa Harlow (University of Rhode Island) “A Multivariate Research Application with R”
  • April 9th, 2021 – Dr. Jason Colquitt (University of Notre Dame) “Content Validation”

All Live Webcast Lectures are available for free on-demand viewing in the CARMA Video Library by faculty and students from CARMA’s Institutional Premium and Basic Membership Programs. Over 100 universities world-wide are CARMA Members for the 2020-2021 year program, and the Video Library contains over 180 recorded lectures from previous CARMA Webcast Programs. CARMA also hosts Live On-Line Short Courses sponsored by universities such as University of South Australia, University of South Carolina, Wayne State University, and more. We also offer special discounts to CARMA Institutional Premium and Basic Members.

For more information on upcoming Live Webcast Lectures and registration instructions, visit our website