Open Science Series

CARMA Introduction to Open Science Series

The open science revolution continues to gain momentum across the social and natural sciences, and in
particular, the organizational sciences. This movement is driven in part by a crisis in confidence of scientific
research. However, open science offers so much more to scholars and stakeholders of scientific work. Open
science can serve to accelerate science, facilitate large scale collaboration, and aid individual research teams in
conducting more rigorous and relevant work. This series is intended to introduce open science concepts across
the life cycle of research. Topics to be covered include (a) questionable research practices and publication bias,
(b) study preregistration, registered reports, results-blind reviews, preprints, and how to use badges, (c) open
data, proper annotation of analytic R code, reproducibility of analyses and transparency checklists, (d) Do’s and
Don’ts for replication studies, (e) how to navigate open science platforms, such as the open science framework,
large scale project collaboration in management, and finally (f) authorship and contributorship agreements.
Presenters: TBA
Live Access: Institutional Premium Members only
Access to Recordings: Institutional Premium and Institutional Basic Members
Schedule: TBA