Webcast Lecture Series
Combining Case Study Designs for Rigorous Research
Dr. Lakshmi Balachandran Nair
LUISS Guido Carli University
March 28th, 9:00 AM ET

Lecture Abstract
This webcast lecture will explore different ways of combining case study research designs. It will provide a brief introduction to case study research, followed by a focused examination of different archetypical and sequenced case study designs as well as their components. The lecture will include different examples from management and other social science disciplines, to help the attendees in designing their own case studies in ways that suit their research objectives.
Meet the Presenter
Lakshmi is a Senior Assistant Professor in organization studies. Her primary areas of interest include qualitative methodology in organization studies, organizational ethics, and gender in organizations. She has published in various journals including Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Management, Journal of Management Inquiry, Scientometrics, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management etc., to name a few. She has also edited and co-authored books, book chapters, and case studies with Cambridge University Press, Financial Times Press, Sage Publications etc. For her research, she has received grants and awards from Swiss National Foundation, Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Academy of Management, British Academy of Management, European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies etc.