Webcast Lecture Series

Theoretical Triangulation and Forming Better Explanations

Dr. Joep Cornelissen
Erasmus University Rotterdam

November 15th, 9:00 AM ET

Lecture Abstract

If we want to explain phenomena, how might we best do this? What theoretical tools do we have alongside our methods to form robust explanations? In this webinar, I focus on the pitfalls of the propositional style of theorizing that has dominated the field of management research but may actually by itself not be the best model and practice for inferring the most likely or probable explanation of a phenomenon. I suggest instead that a process of triangulating across different styles of theorizing (process, configurational,….and, yes, also still propositional) may be a better route towards forming explanations that are theoretically stronger and practically more reliable and relevant. The webinar takes the form of discussing models of theoretical explanation and suggesting ways in which we individually and collectively may work towards stronger explanations.

Meet the Presenter

Joep Cornelissen is a Professor in Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and Chair in Strategy and Organisation (part-time) at the University of Liverpool Management School. He was the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Organization Theory, a former Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Review (2014-2017), and a former General Editor of the Journal of Management Studies (2006-2012) and serves on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Management Studies and Organization Studies. He recently received the Joanne Martin Trailblazer award from the Academy of Management for his thought leadership and editorial work in the area of theory.