CARMA’s Research Methods and Education Program (RMEP) has been designed to provide a comprehensive educational experience for doctoral students and faculty at Institutional Member schools or Affiliated Programs. RMEP is based on assessments of learning for our webcast lectures, panel sessions, and short courses. Material covers a variety of quantitative and qualitative topics at introductory and advanced levels. A key objective of RMEP is to reward CARMA participants for their efforts at learning research methods.
Using assessments, participants verify their knowledge of key concepts through short multiple-choice quizzes. As each Assessment is successfully completed, the accomplishment will be recorded in the participant’s RMEP Report Card, in the section shown below. Participants will receive Digital Badges based on the completion of sets of assessments. RMEP Assessments will be grouped by the following:
CARMA Assessment Modules
Basic of Research Methods, Correlation/Regression, Survey Measurement, Qualitative Methods, Methods for Strategy Research, Structural Equation Methods, and Innovations in Methods and Analysis.
Contact us at carma@ttu.edu for further information or if you have any questions.