Current Doctoral Student Workshop Series

Monday, May 13

Event Information

Dr. Chris Castille
Nicholls State University

Dr. William Obenauer
University of Maine

9:30 AM – 12:30 PM EDT (New York)
2:30 PM – 5:30 PM BST ( London)


Many doctoral students, as part of their coursework and training, have become aware of basic concepts related to open science and believe in the value of the open science movement for improving organizational research. With this workshop, we want to help students learn to apply and implement open science concepts as they start or continue research during the summer months. Potential topics for this workshop include:

  • Sample size planning for collaboration (e.g., replication goals, power analysis)
  • Making data and statistics available for reuse (e.g., building a useful codebook)
  • How to use the OSF to make your work reproducible and replicable

Event Information

Dr. Christina Silver
University of Surrey

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT (New York)

6:00 PM – 9:00 PM BST ( London)


This session introduces methods and tools for qualitative text analysis, to aid researchers in planning and undertaking analysis using digital tools designed for the purpose. Included is an introduction to traditions in text analysis, spanning the methodological spectrum, and an overview of selected digital tools designed to facilitate these approaches. Software to be demonstrated include MAXQDA, QDA Minor and NVivo.