CARMA Webcast Lecture Series

CARMA's Global Classroom

Mixed Methods Research: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Dr. Jose Molina-Azorin

CARMA Webcast Lecture Series

CARMA's Global Classroom

Methods and Reporting for Latent Variable Interaction Models Dr. Bob Vandenberg

CARMA Webcast Lecture Series

CARMA's Global Classroom

Qualitative Research: Looking Back and Looking Forward Dr. Mike Pratt

CARMA Webcast Lecture

CARMA's Global Classroom

Theoretical Triangulation and Forming Better Explanations Dr. Joep Cornelissen

CARMA Webcast Lecture Series

CARMA's Global Classroom

Methodological Trends in the Study of Emotion Regulation and Emotions at Work Allison S. Gabriel

CARMA Webcast Lecture Series

CARMA's Global Classroom

Crafting Your Qualitative Research Project for Maximum Impact Kevin Corley

CARMA Webcast Lecture Series

CARMA's Global Classroom

Best Practices for Using Matched Sample Designs to Reduce Selection Effects Don Bergh

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