Ph.D. Prep Panel:
Guidance for Qualitative Dissertations

Guidance for Qualitative Dissertations

Dr. Elaine Hollensbe, University of Cincinnati
Dr. Heather Vough, George Mason University
Dr. Teresa Cardador, University of Illinois
Dr. Gail Fairhurst, University of Cincinnati

Recorded: September 29, 2023


This panel discussion provides recommendations for those using qualitative methods as part of a doctoral dissertation research project.   Topics to be addressed include important things to remember when collecting/analyzing data, writing up results, and publishing qualitative work.  The role of trustworthiness in qualitative research will also be discussed.  After brief comments from the panelists, and Q&A session will allow attendees to link what they have learned to their own research interests.

Picture of faculty memberElaine Hollensbe is a Professor in the Management Department. She completed her PhD in organizational behavior and human resource management at the University of Kansas. She is a former Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Journal and is currently on the editorial boards for the Academy of Management Review, the Academy of Management Journal and the Journal of Organizational Behavior. Dr. Hollensbe has completed quantitative research on goal setting, compensation and self-efficacy, and qualitative research in the areas of identity, work-life balance, and emotion. Her current research (mostly with doctoral students) is qualitative and focuses on individual and organizational identity; work-home balance, and organizational identification. Her research has been published in such journals as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Review, Human Relations, and Human Resource Development Quarterly and has been recognized with national awards, including the Owens Scholarly Achievement Award, the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award, and the Outstanding Publication in Organizational Behavior Award.

George Mason University Costello College of Business Faculty Heather Vough

Heather C. Vough is an associate professor at George Mason University. She has previously held academic positions at the University of Cincinnati and McGill University. She received her PhD in Business Administration from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research is focused on identity construction and sensemaking in organizations, professions, and careers. Her research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Human Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management, and Organization Science among others. Her work has also been featured in the Harvard Business Review, the Washington Post, the Globe and Mail, the Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, U.S. News and World Report, and the Huffington Post. She has served on the editorial board of five journals and is currently one of the qualitative Associate Editors at the Academy of Management Journal.

Teresa Cardador headshotM. Teresa Cardador is an Associate Professor of Labor and Employment Relations at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and has a background in Public Health Policy and Administration and Psychology. Her research focuses on how occupations, work environments, and personal attitudes toward work influence workers’ sense of meaningfulness and purpose. She is particularly interested in gender-segregated occupations such as engineering, surgery, policing, and nursing. Cardador has published in top-tier academic journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly and Academy of Management Journal, and her work has been featured in outlets like Harvard Business Review. Additionally, she is actively involved in editorial boards, has received grants and fellowships, and is an award-winning teacher covering topics in human resource management, management, employee motivation and performance, employee relations, and negotiation. She has contributed to initiatives promoting faculty success, representation, and retention and holds leadership roles in the Academy of Management’s Managerial and Organizational Cognition (MOC) Division.

Gail T. Fairhurst - 1000KitapGail T. Fairhurst is a Distinguished University Research Professor of Organizational Communication at the University of Cincinnati. She specializes in organizational and leadership communication processes, including those involving paradox, problem-centered leadership, and framing. She is the author of three books, including Discursive Leadership: In Conversation with Leadership Psychology and The Power of Framing: Challenging the Language of Leadership. She has also published over 90 articles and chapters in communication and management journals and books, includingThe Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Management Communication Quarterly, Communication Monographs, Human Communication Research, and Journal of Applied Communication Research. She is a Fellow of the International Communication Association, Distinguished Scholar of the National Communication Association, and Fulbright Scholar.