January 2025 Online Short Course

Questionnaire Design

Questionnaire Design

Dr. Lisa Lambert

January 6th – 9th 2025

Lecture Abstract

This introductory course will help you develop your model, develop and select measures, design survey instruments and execute your data collection. Before testing hypotheses about relationships between constructs, i.e., your hypotheses, it is imperative to demonstrate that your measures have construct validity. There will be special focus on more stringent standards and techniques and evolving trends in evaluating construct validity. Then we will apply this understanding of up-to-date construct validity practices to scale development techniques by creating new measures or revising existing measures that can pass the hurdles posed by tests of construct validity. Topics include designing your project (developing a model, selecting variables, sampling requirements), writing survey items, content and discriminant validity tests, and EFA/CFA procedures. We draw from research on how respondents interpret surveys to reveal principles for how to design your questionnaire to obtain high quality data. Finally, we will cover procedures for managing the data collection process including techniques for dealing with missing data, outliers, and careless responders. If you wish, bring your research ideas because there will be opportunities to advance your own project within the workshop.

Meet the Presenter

Dr. Lambert is a Professor and a William S. Spears Chair of Business. Her scholarship has focused on the employment relationship, leadership, psychological contracts, person-environment fit theory, and research methods and has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organizational Research Methods, and Psychological Methods. Dr. Lambert has served as Chair of the Research Methods Division of Academy of Management and was President of the Southern Management Association. She is Co-Editor for Organizational Research Methods and has served on editorial boards for the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and the Journal of Business and Psychology. She is a frequent instructor for the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) and SMA Fellow.

Short Course Preview