Ph.D. Prep Panel
Responding to Methods/Analysis Issues in Revisions
Friday, October 18th | 10:30 AM EDT

Dr. Patrick Rosopa
Clemson University


Dr. Rosopa is a Professor in the Department of Psychology in the College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences. He teaches graduate-level courses in applied univariate and multivariate statistics, and research methods. At the undergraduate-level, he teaches experimental psychology. Dr. Rosopa has co-authored a statistics textbook titled Statistical Reasoning in the Behavioral Sciences, published by Wiley in 2010 and 2018. His research has appeared in peer-reviewed journals including Psychological Methods, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, Behavior Research Methods, Human Resource Management Review, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Personality and Individual Differences, Safety Science, and Stress & Health. Dr. Rosopa is an Associate Editor – Methodology for Journal of Managerial Psychology. He serves on the editorial board of Group & Organization Management, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, and Organizational Research Methods. He also serves as an ad hoc reviewer for numerous leading refereed journals (e.g., Behavior Research Methods, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, Computational Statistics, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Management). Prior to entering academia, Dr. Rosopa worked in human resources management, and he was a Research Fellow at the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD). Dr. Rosopa has worked with various organizations including BMW, Prisma Health, Cognitive Performance Group, CHI Systems, Inc., HealthCare Interactive, and Institute for Simulation and Training, where he has served as a consultant in areas related to experimental design and statistical analysis. More on Dr. Rosopa’s research interests and publications can be found below.


Dr. Dina Krasikova is an associate professor in the Department of Management at The University of Texas at San Antonio. She joined the UTSA faculty in 2013 after completing a two-year post-doc in the Department of Management at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She holds doctoral and master’s degrees in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Purdue University and has Diploma with Highest Honors from Voronezh State University, Russia.

Her research interests include constructive and destructive forms of leading, deviant behavior in organizations and development and evaluation of statistical methods that can be used to address research questions about organizational processes and phenomena. Her work on leadership, deviance and research methods has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and Organizational Research Methods, among others. Her work has also been featured in the Association for Psychological Science: Minds for BusinessBusiness News Daily, Inc. Magazine and Forbes among other national and international media outlets.

Dr. Krasikova serves as a Representative-at-Large at the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management. She also serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business and PsychologyJournal of Leadership and Organizational Studies and Organizational Research Methods.

Dr. Dina Krasikova
University of Texas San Antonio

Dr. Dev Dalal
University at Albany


Dr. Dev Dalal’s primary areas of interest include Applied Judgment and Decision Making, Personnel Psychology Issues, and Measurement Theory, Research, and Quantitative Methods. In the field of Judgment and Decision Making (JDM), he investigates applied personnel judgments, such as performance evaluations, and decision-making processes, including selection decisions. His research aims to understand core personnel issues through the theoretical and methodological frameworks of human judgment and decision making.

In the domain of personnel psychology, Dr. Dalal focuses on topics like employee attraction and recruitment, selection, and performance. His studies cover various aspects such as aversion to decision aids, enhancing performance judgments, factors influencing applicants’ attraction to organizations, and how organizations shape applicant job search behavior. He is also committed to improving the communication of research findings to key organizational stakeholders.

Dr. Dalal’s research extends to classical and modern measurement theories as they apply to psychological testing, particularly in pre-employment assessments. He also explores both existing and innovative quantitative methods to improve research in the social sciences. The overarching goal of his work in these areas is to provide social scientists with enhanced methods and techniques to advance their research and professional practice.