CARMA Short Courses

Short Courses Overview

Each CARMA short course is typically a 20 hours session on a research method or data analysis topic. CARMA Short Courses place an emphasis on hands-on experience and on the application of the methodology aimed at skills development through equal amount of lecture and lab-time. Instructors are leading methodological scholars recognized within the organizational studies and management areas as experts on their topics. Several are current or past editors of leading organizational journals. A list of CARMA Short Courses includes introductory and advanced training on quantitative and qualitative topics, including content that might not be readily available at your institution. In addition, our short courses provide students and faculty with the opportunity to network with leading scholars and other students/faculty in their areas of interest. More than 1,200 faculty and students from universities throughout the world have attended CARMA Short Courses since the summer of 2004. Past locations of these courses include Virginia and Michigan in the United States, as well as Canada, Peru, Brazil, Australia, India, The Netherlands, Singapore, Germany, United Kingdom, Israel, and China.

Upcoming Short Courses

We will be offering new Short Courses in our collection of upcoming courses, including Mixed Methods and quantitative courses on Within Person Research.  Our other quantitative courses include sequences across both sessions on introductory/ advanced data analysis with R, introductory/advanced SEM, introductory/advanced multi-level analysis, big data and analysis of big data. Also available are courses that cover Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analysis, Bayesian Analysis, Advanced Regression Polynomial/Response Surface Methods, Web Scraping, Theory, Methods, and Analysis for Research with Dyads, and Questionnaire Design. Our qualitative offerings include new courses on Introduction to Ethnography, Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Case Study Methods. Other qualitative courses cover Advanced Methods for Micro and Macro Management and Grounded Theory, Mixed Methods, and Qualitative Analysis for Organizational Change, Crafting High-Quality Research via a Phronetic Iterative Approach, Video Methods, and Content Analysis of Text. See below for specific courses and dates.

New Live On-Line Short Courses

Our upcoming program will deliver the courses on-line via the CARMA Global Virtual Classroom using Zoom. These courses will be offered using a synchronous approach, with instructors providing live (video and audio) lecture and Q&A sessions. Instructors will also lead assignment sessions, during which participants can choose to join breakout rooms to collaborate with a small group of course-mates (using screen-share, video/audio communication, and/or text chat. There would be no recordings made by CARMA of the live sessions, and participants will not be allowed to record any sessions themselves. Unlike CARMA’s Webcast Program, which is based on group viewing, with our On-Line Short Courses only individual access and participation is allowed (no group viewing).

Our goal with our new on-line approach is to emulate as much as possible the in-person short course experience that we have used so successfully since 2001. We hope our on-line delivery will be more practical and economical for participants by allowing them to avoiding travel to locations beyond their community. For participants not familiar with use of Zoom, training will be provided at no-charge prior to the Short Courses. CARMA has considerable experience with live on-line events, and we look forward to extending our use of this delivery format through our Global Virtual Classroom to increase access to our highly-regarded Short Courses.

CARMA Short Course Evaluations

CARMA Short Courses Evaluation Results – January 2024:

Rating Questions (out of 5)

Information presented was relevant to the topic 4.83
Information presented was what you expected 4.54
Adequate detail was provided 4.54
The instructor was well-prepared 4.91
The instructor provided good supporting materials 4.76
The instructor effectively handled participants questions 4.85
The instructor communicated effectively 4.78
Time allocated to cover topics was adequate 4.43
Topics were sequenced appropriately 4.72
Appropriate exercises examples and material were used to clarify understanding 4.46
Asking questions to the instructor was easy 4.85
Please rate your satisfaction with the program overall 4.59

Open-Ended Questions

  • The instructor was extremely knowledgeable, well-prepared, and engaging. I am so grateful for how many resources we’ve been provided for future reference as well.
  • It was a compact course that was intense but gave me the tools I needed to approach the topic in the future. Especially with new technology or methods, it’s about learning how to think about the task and understanding what you don’t know. This course accomplished that super well!
  • The practice exercises were well-designed to help us practice the skills we learned in the course. Also, the exercises were done in small groups of 2-3 people, so we were able to work together and brainstorm the solutions.
  • The use of exercises and the information that was available made it possible to follow along and go back and review the material after the course.
  • The instructor explained the content in a manner that was easy to understand and comprehend.
  • I loved the exercises and lessons. The R code for lessons was very, very well-documented so that when I applied the code, I would remember what was done.
  • I learned more than I could have imagined before the start of this course. I appreciated that I was able to keep up with the instructor as they worked through the projects/exercises and walkthroughs.
  • I appreciated how the instructor structured the course and the projects assigned along the way. It made learning the material easier. The instructor was excellent and did a great job teaching and providing the space to ask questions along the way.
  • The instructor explained the topic very well. It was easy to follow and understand (and follow along in R as well). This is a great course for SEM and for other topics like missing data as well. Highly recommend.
  • The instructor was great. Comprehensive explanation, great datasets, and code
  • The supplementary materials, exercises, scripts, etc. were the best part. The instructor also gave us time to walk through exercises ourselves which was critical in really understanding how to execute commands. Really informative class that has set me up for success!
  • The instructor was fantastic! I also liked the structure of this 3-day intensive workshop, which I found to be very effective.

CARMA Live Online Short Course Plus Program
Session I: June 10-12
Session II: June 13-15

Session I
June 10-12, 2024
8 Courses to Choose From

Courses will last for 3 days, daily from 10:00 AM EDT – 4:00 PM EDT with a 30-minute lunch break and other breaks as needed. Click on the Short Courses titles below to decide which course is right for you.

Session II
June 13-15, 2024
7 Courses to Choose From

Courses will last for 3 days, daily from 10:00 AM EDT – 4:00 PM EDT with a 30-minute lunch break and other breaks as needed. Click on the Short Courses titles below to decide which course is right for you.

New Plus Program Features

  • Research Development Workshops
  • Getting to know The Best in Our Business