June 10-12 Short Courses
Doing Grounded Theory
Dr. Elaine Hollensbe
Course Description
We will explore the process of conducting a grounded theory study, using a variety of readings (exemplar and how-to articles), discussion, and hands-on exercises. We will begin at the beginning with generating research questions and interview protocols. We won’t just talk about research questions and protocols but will spend time developing them. Similarly, we will engage in coding data. The goal is to ultimately generate a grounded model that both well represents study findings and contributes to scholarship. In addition, we will examine ways to ensure trustworthiness and rigor in grounded theory research to increase the likelihood that your papers will be accepted.
Event Information
June 10-12, 2024
Mon/Tues/Wed: Daily from 10:00 AM EDT – 4:00 PM EDT with a 30-minute lunch break and other breaks as needed.
CARMA’s Live Online Global Classroom
Meet the Instructor

Elaine Hollensbe is a Professor in the Management Department. She completed her PhD in organizational behavior and human resource management at the University of Kansas. She is a former Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Journal and is currently on the editorial boards for the Academy of Management Review, the Academy of Management Journal and the Journal of Organizational Behavior. Dr. Hollensbe has completed quantitative research on goal setting, compensation and self-efficacy, and qualitative research in the areas of identity, work-life balance, and emotion. Her current research (mostly with doctoral students) is qualitative and focuses on individual and organizational identity; work-home balance, and organizational identification. Her research has been published in such journals as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Review, Human Relations, and Human Resource Development Quarterly and has been recognized with national awards, including the Owens Scholarly Achievement Award, the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award, and the Outstanding Publication in Organizational Behavior Award.
Video Introduction