June 10-12 Short Courses
Systematic Reviews/Meta Analysis
Dr. Ernest O’Boyle
Course Description
Meta-analyses have now become a staple of research in the organizational sciences. Their purpose is to summarize and clarify the extant literature through systematic and transparent means. Meta-analyses help answer long-standing questions, address existing debates, and highlight opportunities for future research. Despite their prominence, knowledge and expertise in meta-analysis is still restricted to a relatively small group of scholars. This short course is intended to expand that group by familiarizing individuals with the key concepts and procedures of meta-analysis with a practical focus. Specifically, the goal is to provide the necessary tools to conduct and publish a meta-analysis/systematic review using best practices. We will cover how to; (a) develop research questions that can be addressed with meta-analysis, (b) conduct a thorough search of the literature, (c) provide accurate and reliable coding, (d) correct for various statistical artifacts, and (e) analyze bivariate relationships (e.g., correlations, mean differences) as well as multivariate ones using meta-regression and meta-SEM. The course is introductory, so no formal training in meta-analysis is needed. Familiarity with some basic statistical concepts such as sampling error, correlation, and variation is sufficient.
Event Information
June 10-12, 2024
Mon/Tues/Wed: Daily from 10:00 AM EDT – 4:00 PM EDT with a 30-minute lunch break and other breaks as needed.
CARMA’s Live Online Global Classroom
Meet the Instructor

Ernest H. O’Boyle is a professor of management and entrepreneurship and the Dale M. Coleman Chair in Management at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business. His research interests include star performance, counterproductive work behavior, research methods and ethical issues surrounding publication practices. O’Boyle earned his doctorate in 2010 from Virginia Commonwealth University. He has more than 50 peer-reviewed journal publications in such outlets as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Research Methods and Personnel Psychology. His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Businessweek, National Public Radio’s Morning Edition and the New York Times bestselling book “Work Rules!” He is the recipient of the Academy of Management Early Career Awards for both the Research Methods Division and Human Resources Division. O’Boyle sits on the editorial boards of Personnel Psychology and Journal of Applied Psychology, and he is a former associate editor at Journal of Management and current associate editor for Open Science Framework’s SCORE project.
Video Introduction