The next two presentations of the CARMA 2nd and 3rd Webcast Lecture Series for Spring 2020 will occur on Friday, February 21, beginning at 12:00 ET. These two lectures will be delivered by Dr. Le (Betty) Zhou of University of Minnesota (Longitudinal SEM) and Dr. Eric Heggestad of University of North Carolina Charlotte (Adapting Scales).

Dr. Le (Betty) Zhou, Longitudinal SEM
Dr. Le (Betty) Zhou is an assistant professor and a Lawrence Fellow in the Department of Work and Organizations at the University of Minnesota. Betty received her Ph.D. in Management at the University of Florida in 2014. She has an M.S. in Organizational Psychology from the University of Maryland and a B.S. in Psychology from Peking University (China). Her research interests include team leadership, self-regulation at work, and quantitative research methods. Her work has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Organizational Research Methods.
This presentation will introduce a new statistical tool for analyzing intensive longitudinal data (ILD): dynamic structural equation modeling (DSEM). Recent developments in theories and data collection methods have made ILD more relevant and available for management and IO psychology research. New methods for analyzing ILD have been developed under the general multilevel SEM framework. This presentation will begin with an overview of management and IO research working with ILD, describe the features of ILD, and discuss the challenges to traditional longitudinal analyses tools when handling ILD. Next, the presentation will go over model specification and model estimation (which uses Bayesian methods) in DSEM approach as well as some extensions of the basic model. The presentation will also discuss issues that need to be considered when applying DSEM, including centering, missing data, and sample size.

Dr. Eric Heggestad, Adapting Scales
Dr. Eric Heggestad is an Industrial and Organizational Psychologist, though he tends to fall notably more toward the industrial side of the field than the organizational side. His professional interests and expertise are associated with how organizations can best hire and develop their employees. He enjoys conducting scientific research on these issues as well as working with companies to improve their processes.
Take a quick look at some of your favorite empirical research and you will almost certainly a case where the authors have “adapted” one or more of the measures used in their research. Scale adaptation is a catch-all term that is used to indicate that the authors changed something about the scale: the number of items, the situational context of the items, the organizational-level of the construct, the response scale, etc. It is such a common practice that it doesn’t even seem to raise to the level of awareness when we read (or review) an article. But we should be aware and, in fact, concerned; scale adaptation can have important consequences on the validity of the scales we use. In this presentation I will talk about our research to document the commonness of scale adaptation and to identify the key ways authors are adapting scales. I will also talk through the results of our survey of journal reviewers and psychometrics experts, documenting their levels of concern regarding various forms of scale adaptation (e.g., shortening a scale, changing the context, changing the time-frame, etc.). I will provide a demonstration of an application we have constructed to help authors shorten scales (a very common form of adaptation) for their research.
Previous Webcast Lecture Series for Fall 2019:
Dr. Paul Bliese, University of South Carolina – Panel Data
Dr. Justin DeSimone, University of Alabama – Dirty Data
Dr. Sang Eun Woo, Purdue University – Big Data Concepts
Dr. Fred Oswald, Rice University – Big Data Analysis
Dr. David Waldman, Arizona State University – Neuroscience Methods and Organizational Research
Recording of these Longitudinal SEM and Adapting Scales lectures will be available for free on-demand viewing in the CARMA Video Library by faculty and students from CARMA’s Institutional Premium and Basic Membership Programs. Over 125 universities world-wide are CARMA Members for 2019-2020, and the Video Library contains over 160 recorded lectures from previous CARMA Webcast Programs. CARMA also hosts in person Short Courses at Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan) and it offers special discounts to CARMA Institutional Premium Members. For more information click here.
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