Webcast Lecture Series

Open Science and Pre-Registration in Management Research: Myths, Truths, and Best Practices

Dr. Roman Briker
Maastricht University

February 28th, 9:00 AM ET

Lecture Abstract

With prominent researchers faking their data, publishing findings that are physically impossible (“Feeling the future”), and large-scale research projects revealing that most findings in management and the broader social sciences are not replicable, management scholars face a credibility crisis. After briefly showcasing the reasons and processes that led to this situation, I will showcase pre-registration as a pathway to more trustworthy, rigorous, and better research. I will talk about why, where, and how authors should pre-register their studies. We will discuss common myths surrounding pre-registration and provide empirical evidence in this regard. Finally, I will showcase examples of best practices for pre-registration on the platforms of the Open Science Framework and AsPredicted.Org.

Meet the Presenter

Roman Briker is an Assistant Professor in Organizational Behavior & HRM at Maastricht University (The Netherlands). Roman received his Ph.D. in Organization & HRM from Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (Germany) and was a visiting scholar at TCU (Texas) in. He investigates the psychology of human-human and human-machine social influence processes, time (pressure) and stress at work, and meta- and data science methods. He is also the Open Science Ambassador at Maastricht University. His research has received several prestigious awards (Marie Curie Fellowship, Best Junior Researcher, Best Overall Paper OB Division at the Academy of Management Conference 2022, Best Dissertation Award) and has been published in prestigious journals like Science Advances, Organizational Research Methods, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Organizational Behavior.