Live Online Short Courses
June 2025
Session I: June 2-5
Session II: June 9-12
Session III: June 16-19
June 2025 Live Online Short Courses: Choose From 22 courses covering Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
We have a total of 22 online short courses scheduled for June 2025. Click on the Short Courses titles below to decide which course is right for you.
Note: ECTS credits are available for CARMA Short Courses! For course participants from institutions using the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), CARMA recommends that successful course participation be rewarded with 2 (two) ECTS credits per short course.
CARMA for Credit Summer 2025
As part of CARMA’s goal to be a Partner in Doctoral Training and Faculty Development for your school, we are excited to announce our new CARMA for Credit Summer 2025 Program. It is developed to enrich the learning experience for our Short Course participants and to support doctoral students wanting to receive independent study credit from their school for their CARMA activity. This program provides instructional resources for Short Course participants, including reading lists, on-line assessments, and on-line discussion groups. There is no extra charge to participants for this Program beyond the normal short course registration fee.
Design and Implementation:
CARMA for Credit 2025 has a modular design in which doctoral students select the amount of independent study credit from their school they want to receive (from 1 – 3 credit hours), and the specific Short Courses they will take to receive the credit. Each credit is designed to reflect the 16 hours of contact time of each of our Short Courses, consistent with guidelines used at most universities. Content can be selected at both introductory and advanced levels.
Each Short Course session is equivalent to one credit hour. Students seeking only one credit hour will enroll in one Short Course from the session of their choosing. Those who want to earn two credit hours must select courses from two of the three available sessions. Students seeking three credit hours will take a course in both Session I and Session II and receive free registration for Session III: Open Science and Replication Studies. Upon paid registration for Sessions I and II, the student will receive a coupon code via email to register for Session III at no cost.
In addition to the normal Short Course registration process, doctoral students wanting to participate will use a separate CARMA for Credit Summer 2025 Program Registration Form soon to be available on this website. The form will describe the Program, the responsibilities of both CARMA and the student. The student will identify a faculty member at their school who will serve as their Instructor of Record and approve the student’s participation in the Program. The signed form will be returned to CARMA, and we will document the student’s participation and performance. When all requirements are met CARMA will notify the Instructor of Record who will then assign the grade at their school for the independent study.
Short Course Details:
A student may take only one course each session, as they are offered concurrently. Each course is approximately 16 hours of contact time (4 days, Monday – Thursday, 4 hours each). Courses are at introductory and advanced levels, on quantitative and qualitative topics. Any courses can be used for the CARMA for Credit program. Several two-course sequences are available (e.g. introductory and advanced SEM).
Those seeking three credit hours, register for Sessions I & II and receive Session III for free! Upon paid registration of Sessions I & II, you will be emailed a coupon code to register for Session III for free.
Course Offerings by Session
Session I – June 2-5
Advanced Multilevel Analysis I: Growth Models, Mediation, and Moderation (Dr. Gilad Chen)
- Introduction to Experience Sampling Methods: Design & Measurement (Dr. Shawn McClean)
- Introduction to Multilevel Analysis: Theory, Measurement, and Two-Level Nested Models (Dr. James LeBreton)
- Introduction to Python for Research (Dr. Jason Kiley)
- Introduction to R and Data Analysis (Dr. Scott Tonidandel)
- Introduction to SEM with LAVAAN (Dr. Betty Zhou)
- Polynomial Regression and Response Surface Methods (Dr. Jeff Edwards)
- Publishing Papers with Interview Data (Dr. Heather Vough)
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (Dr. Thomas Greckhamer)
- Theorizing and Writing Qualitative Research (Dr. Karen Golden-Biddle)
- Web Scraping: Data Collection and Analysis (Dr. Richard Landers)
- Introduction to Ethnography (Dr. Mike Pratt)
- Generative-AI for Qualitative Research (Dr. Christina Silver)
Session II: June 9-12
Advanced Data Analysis with R: Regression EFA and MANOVA (Dr. Justin DeSimone)
- Advanced Experience Sampling Methods: Analysis and Interpretation (Dr. Nikos Dimotakis)
- Advanced Multilevel Analysis II: Panel Data, Consensus/Emergent Models, and Dichotomous Outcomes (Dr. Paul Bliese)
- Advanced SEM: Measurement Invariance, LGM, Interactions, and Multilevel (Dr. Bob Vandenberg)
- Data Visualization (Dr. Goran Kuljanin)
- Introduction to Meta-Analysis (Dr. Dana Joseph)
- Machine Learning/Natural Language Processing (Dr. Louis Hickman)
- Questionnaire Design (Dr. Lisa Lambert)
Session III: June 16-19
Short Course Group Discount
A group discount rate is available for organizations registering for six (6) or more spots. Group Registration also includes one (1) complimentary course for a Research Methods Faculty Network attendee. Group pricing is as follows:
- Advanced Registration (3/11/2025 – 4/17/2025): $200 per Course
- General Registration (4/18/2025 – 5/20/2025 ): $250 per Course
- Late Registration (5/21/2025 – 5/26/2025): $350 per Course
Short Course Group Discount participants should not self-register for their Short Course. Their school’s representative will provide their information on the Group Registration Form which includes submitting attendee information (name & selected course) and ensuring that payment is submitted. (Payment is accepted via credit card, PO, or check.)
Attendees will be assigned to their courses on a first-come first-serve basis. Please submit the Group Registration Form as soon as possible to ensure attendees are assigned to their preferred course. The deadline to submit the Group Registration Form is May 26, 2025.
CARMA will register each attendee individually and inform both the attendee and the organization representative once registrations are complete.
Individual Pricing per Session
CARMA has lowered our course registration prices and simplified our pricing structure to only two categories: Members & Non-Members. Active Institutional & Affiliate Members receive a 50% discount on registration. New for June 2025: Register for Sessions I & II and receive Session III for free! Upon paid registration of Sessions I & II, you will be emailed a coupon code to register for Session III for free.
If you’re unsure of which category you fall under, you can review our list of active Institutional Member Schools or learn more about our Affiliate Member options.
Institutional/ Affiliate Members |
Non- Members |
Advanced Registration 3/11/2025 – 4/17/2025 |
$250 |
$500 |
Registration 4/18/2025 – 5/20/2025 |
$300 |
$600 |
Late Registration 5/21/2025 – 5/26/2025 |
$400 |
$800 |
To register as an individual attendee (not part of a Partner Discount):
- Log in to your CARMA User Account
- If you do not have an existing account, create one here
- From the User Area, click the Register/Purchase tab
- Select Purchase Short Courses
- Select June 2025 Short Course from the Package dropdown menu
- Select your respective course
- Click Continue
- Verify course selections and proceed to Checkout