Ph.D. Prep Panel:
Replication Studies and Doctoral Training

Replication Studies and Doctoral Training

Dr. Jose Cortina (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Dr. Xavier Martin (Tilburg University)
Dr. Andreas Schwab (Iowa State University)

April 5, 2024
Noon EDT


Replication studies are increasingly recognized as essential to building evidence-based management theory. The workshop will introduce doctoral students to the different types of replications and their value for validating and building evidence-based theories incrementally. We will also outline how replication can teach doctoral students fundamental research methods skills, support academic networking, and provide publication experiences. Finally, we will introduce the Advancement of Replications Initiative in Management, which coordinates the joint execution and publication of replication studies by teams of doctoral students, faculty mentors, and replication-minded scholars. Presentations, panel discussions, and a Q&A segment will also offer participants opportunities to receive specific advice on how to design, execute, report, and frame a replication study for publication in top journals.

Faculty and Staff Directory — VCU School of Business

Dr. Jose Cortina is a distinguished professor of Management and Entrepreneurship at Virginia Commonwealth University. With a profound focus on Research Methods, Meta-Science, and the utilization of Big Data, Dr. Cortina has established himself as a prominent figure in academia. He is a valued member of CARMA, contributing as a webcast presenter and short course instructor. In recognition of his scholarly contributions, Dr. Cortina was honored with the ORM Award for Best Paper published in 2017. His dedication to advancing knowledge and understanding in his field is evident through his extensive research and teaching endeavors.

Xavier Martin — Tilburg University Research Portal

Dr. Xavier Martin’s research examines how corporate strategies, interfirm relationships, and knowledge-based assets affect each other and jointly affect firm performance. His papers have appeared in Administrative Science Quarterly, the Academy of Management Journal, the Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Management Science, the Journal of International Business Studies, and Research Policy, among others. He is the recipient of multiple research awards, including the Best International Paper Award (now Dexter Award) from the Academy of Management, both the Haynes Prize for Best Paper and the Richard N. Farmer Best Dissertation Award (now Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award) from the Academy of International Business, and several Best Paper / Best Student Paper awards from the Strategic Management Society and the Academy of Management.

profile image of Andreas Schwab

Dr. Andreas Schwab is an Associate Professor, Director Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Programs, and Dean’s Fellow in the Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University. He studies multilevel learning in entrepreneurial ecosystems focused on digital platforms, project ventures and women entrepreneurs. He is also engaged in initiatives to advance methodological practices in the management field by promoting alternatives to statistical significance tests, introducing scholars to Bayesian statistics and supporting replications. His research has been published in the Academy of Management JournalAmerican Journal of Sociology, Journal of Business VenturingEntrepreneurship Theory & PracticeOrganization ScienceStrategic OrganizationAcademy of Management Learning & EducationIndustrial and Corporate ChangeIndustrial RelationsFamily Business ReviewGroup & Organization Management and other outlets. He received his Ph.D. in management from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

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