Welcome to the AOM-CARMA Affiliate Program
Current AOM Students and Academic Members can now access a limited set of CARMA’s research methods education resources as part of their membership benefits. These resources cover quantitative and qualitative topics at the introductory and advanced levels. Current CARMA Institutional Membership is NOT required but active AOM membership is required.
Benefits include:
- Access to the AOM-CARMA Collection which consists of 5 new recordings available each month
- Access videos on-demand from anywhere and test your understanding of concepts through our Research Methods Education Program (RMEP) Assessments. Our videos serve as a valuable resource for authors, reviewers, editors, and instructors and aid in enriching the learning experience.
- Live access to each of the 14 Webcast Lectures
- Designed for university faculty, graduate students, and researchers, and delivered by esteemed methodologists, Webcast Lectures cover introductory and advanced topics in research methods and data analysis, emphasizing practical application. Background readings, references, and slides will be available on the CARMA website before each lecture.
- Short Course Affiliate Member Discount
- Affiliate Members receive a 50% discount on Short Course registrations. CARMA Short Courses feature introductory and advanced topics on quantitative and qualitative methods. Short Courses are taught by The Best In Our Business and provide a blend of lectures and hands-on experience. Instructors include both current and former Editors, Associate Editors, and editorial board members from prestigious journals such as ORM, AMJ, JAP, and OBHDP, as well as recipients of AOM-RMD Distinguished Career and Early Career awards.
- Live access to each of the Ask the Experts panel sessions
- Established to meet student and faculty researchers’ needs not currently met by Webcast Lecture Series, the CARMA Video Library, and Short Courses.
Upcoming Live Events for February 28, 2025
- Click the thumbnail to view the video.
- Click the title text to access the webcast lecture website (where available) which contains the presentation abstract, presenter bio, lecture slides, and REMP Assessment.
Past Contents of AOM-CARMA Collection
Qualitative Research Looking Back/Forward | Dr. Mike Pratt |
Mixed Methods Research | Dr. Jose Molina-Azorin |
Insufficient Effort Responding | Dr. Jason Huang |
SEM with Experimental Data | Dr. Bert Weijters |
Theoretical Triangulation | Dr. Joep Cornelissen |
Design Considerations for Simple and Complex Multilevel Studies | Dr. Gilad Chen |
Grounded Theory and Discourse Analysis | Dr. Gail Fairhurst |
The Power of Tools in Qualitative Analysis | Dr. Jane Le |
Mixing and Matching Methods for Purpose | Dr. John Mathieu |
Convergent/Discriminant Validity | Dr. Mikko Ronkko |
Advance Science Through Replication, Reproduction, and Generalizability | SMA Replication Workshop |
Questionable Research Practices | Dr. George Banks |
Replication Studies and Doctoral Training | Ph.D. Prep Panel |
Rigor/Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research | Dr. Elaine Hollensbe |
Verifying Empirical Research Findings | Dr. Don Bergh |
Advanced Interactions in Regression | Dr. Jeremy Dawson |
How to Use Storytelling in Academic Writing | Dr. Tim Pollock |
Interpreting Results with Practical Significance in Mind: An Overview of the Common Language Effect Size Indices | Dr. Dina Krasikova |
Quantifying Content Validity | Dr. Jason Colquitt |
Scale Adaptation In The Organizational Sciences | Dr. Eric Heggestad |
Content Analysis for Macro Research | Dr. Rhonda Reger |
Convergent/Discriminant Validity | Dr. Mikko Rönkkö |
Data Aggregation: Recommendations for Improving the Clarity, Transparency, and Reproducibility of Multilevel Research | Dr. James Lebreton |
Multiple Linear Regression: Strengthening Conceptual Knowledge and Practical Skills | Dr. Fred Oswald |
The Power of Tools in Qualitative Analysis | Dr. Jane Le |
Experience Sampling Methods | Dr. Joel Koopman |
Fit of Data in Scientific Inquiry | Dr. Agnieszka Chidlow |
Joy of Coding Data | Dr. Anne Smith |
Measurement of Firm Performance | Dr. Trevis Certo |
Nuisance of Control Variables | Dr. Paul Hünermund |
Machine Learning | Dr. Andrew Speer |
Confirmatory Factor Analysis Application with R-lavaan | Dr. Lisa Harlow |
Disentangling Effect Size Heterogeneity in Meta-analysis | Dr. Mo Wang |
Omitted Variable Bias | Dr. Mike Withers |
Qualitative Data Analysis Beyond Templates | Dr. Tine Koehler |
Questionnaire Measures as Ivs | Dr. John Antonakis |
Methods for Collecting and Analyzing Data from Zoom | Dr. Andrew Knight |
Power Analysis with Regression Models | Dr. Samantha Anderson |
Quantifying Content Validity | Dr. Jason Colquitt |
Reflexivity in Research Methods | Dr. Glen Kreiner |
Live Event Schedule for AOM-CARMA Affiliate Program

For assistance with your AOM-CARMA Affiliate Program account, email carma@ttu.edu.