2023 Research Methods Division
CARMA Doctoral Student and
Junior Faculty Consortium
Overview: The consortium is a virtual, real-time, and participative opportunity to interact with leading scholars and methodologists across three perspectives: macro-quantitative, micro-quantitative, and qualitative. The program schedule and topics of the consortium sessions are provided below.
Introduction of the Consortium
Wednesday, June 7, 11 AM – 1 PM CDT
Topic: Designing and Managing your Dissertation or Large Research Project
Qual: Michel Anteby (Boston University)
Macro: Ithai Stern (INSEAD)
Micro: In-Sue Oh (Temple University)
Best Practices in Sourcing, Collecting, and Managing Data
Wednesday, June 14, 11 AM – 1 PM CDT
Qual: Gabriel Sala (Northeastern University)
Macro: Linus Dahlander (ESMT Berlin)
Micro: Bethany Cockburn (Northern Illinois University)
Advances in Data Analysis Approaches
Wednesday, June 21, 11 AM – 1 PM CDT
Qual: Stine Grodal (Northeastern University)
Macro: Jeremy Short (University of North Texas)
Micro: Chelsea Song (Purdue/Indiana University)
Clearing Methodological Hurdles in the Publication Process: Ask the Editors
Wednesday, June 28, 11 AM – 1 PM CDT
Qual: Beth Bechky (University of California, Davis; Associate Editor, Administrative Science Quarterly)
Macro: Joachim Henkel (Technical University of Munich; Associate Editor, Academy of Management Discoveries)
Micro: Jonas Lang (Ghent University; Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Psychology)
Key Benefits: (1) Opportunity to learn from and interact with leading scholars and methodologists; (2) all sessions occur outside of the AOM conference time frame; (3) online participation; and (4) no rule limiting the number of participants per school for this consortium (we may accept
multiple doctoral students and faculty members from the same program).
Who Can Apply? Anyone interested in research methodology can apply, especially (1) doctoral students seeking to deepen their expertise in research methodology; and (2) junior faculty seeking professional development. All participants will require a computer and a good Internet connection.
Do I Need to Be a Methods Researcher to Participate? No! The consortium is open to researchers of all areas who wish to strengthen and develop their methodological skills.
Do I Need to Be a Member of the Research Methods (RM) Division to Participate? Yes. If you are not currently a member of the RM Division, you will pledge to join the RM Division when you next renew your Academy of Management membership. You can either change your two divisions to include the RM Division or you can add an additional division membership for only $11. The form for adding a division can be found at this link.
What Will I Need to Complete this Application? Your CV. If you are a graduate student, you will also be asked to provide the name and email address of a faculty advisor or mentor who supports your application. The application deadline is Sunday, May 28, 2023.
If you have any questions about the consortium, please contact Hoda Vaziri (hoda.vaziri@unt.edu)
Consortium chair: Hoda Vaziri
Macro-track chair: Tim Hubbard
Micro-track chair: Erik Gonzalez-Mule
CARMA representative: Larry Williams