June 10-12 Short Courses

Novel and Pratical Approaches to Analyze Process Data

Dr. Anne Smith

Course Description

This course will discuss and give hands-on exercises to approach and analyze data, primarily textual, in interpretive field research. By textual data, I am referring to data generated in an interpretive inquiry; data can include interview transcriptions, archival documents supporting the research inquiry, field notes, and other textual data. [To clarify: This course is NOT covering how to analyze a large corpus of textual data (“Big Data”) using tools such as structured and unstructured big data analysis.]

The course will provide a hands-on approach to process data analysis by providing ways to interrogate all data and to move a process study forward. We will work through several exercises that include coding and creating analytical artifacts to begin to see potential theoretical connections and contributions. Coding during this course can be undertaken “by hand” (in Word or Excel) or with a Computer Aided/Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS), such as NVivo, QDA Miner, or atlas.ti. If you are working on a project and would like input, we will conduct a masterclass style to review projects and provide advice. Time can also be built in for individual consulting during the course.

Event Information

June 10-12, 2024

Mon/Tues/Wed: Daily from 10:00 AM EDT – 4:00 PM EDT with a 30-minute lunch break and other breaks as needed.

CARMA’s Live Online Global Classroom

Meet the Instructor

Anne Smith (B.S., UVA; MBA & Ph.D., UNC Chapel Hill) is Professor and Head of the Management & Entrepreneurship Department, Haslam College of Business, UT Knoxville. Anne was recently appointed Associate Editor for qualitative methods papers at the Academy of Management Journal. She served as Associate Editor at Organizational Research Methods (ORM) for five years and is currently an editorial board member. She co-edited the forthcoming ORM Special Feature on Templates in Qualitative Research. She co-edited the series Research Methodology in Strategy and Management (Volumes 11-13). Her research has been published in Organization Science, ORM, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Management Inquiry and other outlets. Anne is a fellow in the Consortium for the Advancement in Research Methods (CARMA).

Video Introduction